About the Course

Purpose of the Course

This course provides a foundation that will help Church members become more effective gospel teachers in their homes and in the Church. The lessons in the course are designed to be taught as part of an organized class. They may also be studied individually or as a family.

Course Overview

The Lord has commanded us to “teach one another the doctrine of the kingdom” (D&C 88:77). As the Master Teacher, He has set the example for us to follow. In latter-day revelations, He has given us specific commandments about how we should teach (see, for example, D&C 42:12–14; 50:13–22; 52:9; 88:122). His example and His commandments guide us as we strive to improve as teachers.

Lesson 1, “The Importance of Gospel Teaching in God’s Plan,” sets the tone for the entire Teaching the Gospel course. It focuses on the Lord’s grand design to teach us the plan of redemption. The lesson teaches that we can assist in this sacred work.

Lessons 2, 3, and 4 present three fundamental principles of gospel teaching: “Love Those You Teach,” “Teach by the Spirit,” and “Teach the Doctrine.”

Lesson 5, “Invite Diligent Learning,” focuses on helping individuals take responsibility for learning the gospel. Lessons 6 and 7, both titled “Create a Learning Atmosphere,” show how to prevent and solve problems that can arise in teaching situations. In lessons 8 and 9, both titled “Use Effective Methods,” you will teach and discuss the effective use of a variety of teaching methods. Lesson 10, “Prepare Every Needful Thing,” shows how to plan lessons.

In lessons 11 and 12 will help us apply everything that we  have learned in the first 10 lessons. Lesson 11, “Improve upon Your Talents,” helps class members make a personal plan for improvement and shows how the many resources available in the ward can help them carry out this plan successfully.

Lesson 12, “Go Forth and Teach,” gives class members the opportunity to teach one another by sharing what they have learned during the course.